Browse Items (9 total)
Read the story of the 15th Amendment that could have been, via @Stephen_A_West Alas, Rep. Julian's inclusive, affirmative-right-to-vote 15th Amdt…
.@Stephen_A_West says we can celebrate the 15th Amdt sesquicentennial for two months, because that’s how long it took to shuffle the states into line…
I spent the whole week on Anna Dickinson because she was very, very famous in her day and is almost lost to history. I know a lot about suffrage for a…
The 15th Amdt was ratified on Feb 3 1870. At @NYCBarAssn last night, I sat closer to the front than usual. I had never noticed this quote on the dais…
1. I’m immersed in the suffrage movement’s first major rupture, and grappling with how to acknowledge ElizCadyStanton & Susan B Anthony’s racism…
Lucy Stone tried hard to bridge the gap between pro- and anti-15th Amdt camps. She argued for a middle path that would support Black men’s…
The 15th Amdt passed Congress in Feb 1869. By the time it was ratified a year later, the post-war coalition for Black and female suffrage was done. In…
All the women are white, all the Blacks are men, but some of us are brave. The title of the landmark Black feminist anthology is the essence of…
The 19th c. suffrage movement split resulted from a painful failure. AERA fought to have “sex” included in the 15th Amendment, which barred states…