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Most law schools accepted female students grudgingly, but @WashULaw in St. Louis sought them out. In 1868 the school went looking for white women to…
Black Boston in the 1870s was thriving. In Massachusetts, unlike NY & PA, Black men voted before the war. After, 6 Af-Am men served in the state…
When the dust settled, there were two competing organizations, the American Woman Suffrage Assoc. & the National. Some of the differences were…
I’m spending so much time on the 1869 split because it reflects and anticipates so many activist conflicts since: over race and racism, over who gets…
The 15th Amdt passed Congress in Feb 1869. By the time it was ratified a year later, the post-war coalition for Black and female suffrage was done. In…
The 19th c. suffrage movement split resulted from a painful failure. AERA fought to have “sex” included in the 15th Amendment, which barred states…
Women could vote in Wyoming from 1869, when it was not yet a state. Notably, Wyoming women who joined the voting rolls briefly served on juries. When…