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  • Tags: Rose Schneiderman

Have you seen the PBS series Unladylike? It features suffragists like Mary Church Terrell, Rose Schneiderman, and Tye Leung Schulze alongside other…

New York’s most compelling suffrage spokeswomen toured the state in the spring of 1908. They began in Seneca Falls and traveled from town to town by…

Activism needs resources. Wealthier women provided funding that working class suffragists needed: to print leaflets & posters, rent meeting halls,…

In Dec 1909, Socialist suffragists convened a party conference to debate whether they should work with the mainstream suffrage groups. Rose…

Rose Schneiderman and Leonora O’Reilly were featured speakers at NAWSA conventions as early as 1907. The leaders of the suffrage mainstream warmed to…

Why do some tragedies generate change and others don’t? 109 years ago today the Triangle Shirtwaist fire killed 146 people - mostly Jewish &…

Labor & suffrage leader Rose Schneiderman was 8 yrs old when she came to the US. Pauline Newman was 11. Luisa Moreno came from Guatemala as a…

To ring in the Jewish new year, I’m highlighting 2 women whose impact on labor rights for all working people -esp. women- endures. Both fierce union…

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