How impact litigation works


How impact litigation works


1. Like all good civil disobedience actions, Susan B Anthony’s was well-planned. Century of Struggle describes the whole effort: she recruited more than a dozen women to vote together, “assured herself of first-rate legal advice, and promised the election inspectors...

2. (whom she had convinced by the force of her arguments that they should register her group) that she would cover all costs if legal steps were taken against them!” In the months before her trial she spoke so widely in the county that the prosecution demanded a change of venue.

3. Susan B’s goal was to get her case to the Supreme Court, which President Grant was determined to prevent. Although she was convicted, she was only fined $100 - the law provided for up to $500 - and when she refused to pay, Judge Hunt didn’t jail her, thwarting her on purpose.

4. She wanted to go to jail so she could file a writ of habeas corpus to the Supreme Court. The election inspectors who let Susan B and the other Rochester women vote were convicted in the same trial, and then pardoned by President Grant.

5. Politicized appointment of unfit Supreme Court justices is not a modern invention. Justice Ward Hunt was appointed by Ulysses S Grant at the request of NY Senator and Republican Party boss Roscoe Conkling. Fin. says: “To say that Hunt accomplished little on the Court would be an overstatement. He was given little to do and did just about that.” #Suffrage100


Daily Suffragist





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Daily Suffragist, “How impact litigation works,” Daily Suffragist, accessed April 19, 2024,

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