More money than Mark Twain


More money than Mark Twain


After the war, Dickinson toured nationally, delivering a repertoire of 22 different lectures on women’s suffrage & the rights of all African-Americans. At the height of her career, she made more money than Mark Twain: c. $400k/yr in today’s dollars, @KCLemay points out. Thread.

 @digicomMA Twain, a sharp critic, admired his competition: “She talks fast, uses no notes what ever, never hesitates for a word, always gets the right word in the right place, and has the most perfect confidence in herself...She reasons well and makes every point without fail."

In 1868 Anna published a novel of interracial love & passing called "What Answer?" She was inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe and the massive popular impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Read a contemporaneous review 👇 from The Atlantic Monthly.

The cause was noble, but the dialogue was flat. Martha Coffin Wright (Lucretia Mott’s sister), wrote to a friend: “I am sorry she didn’t keep to her lecturing & leave the field to Mrs Stowe.” Quotes from Matt Gallman’s biography “America’s Joan of Arc.” Thanks @May201856 /fin 


Daily Suffragist




-6- Daily Suffragist on Twitter- -After the war- Dickinson toured nationally- delivering a repertoire of 22 different lectures on women’s suffrage -amp- the rights of all African-Americans- At the height of her career- she made more money.png


Daily Suffragist, “More money than Mark Twain,” Daily Suffragist, accessed February 13, 2025,

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