Diane Nash


Diane Nash


Just one of many moments of Diane Nash’s fearless leadership, this fr the Freedom Rides: After buses were attacked in Birmingham & Anniston, CORE leader James Farmer was ready to call off what was starting to look like a suicide mission. Diane Nash insisted they press on.🧵

Nash reached Farmer in Washington, where he had gone to bury his father. “She asked him whether CORE would object if Nashville students went to Birmingham and took up where the original riders left off. Her request left Farmer temporarily speechless, but he gave his consent.”

Many powerful men tried to dissuade her. Bobby Kennedy’s staff tried to reach anyone who might lean on her to quit, including Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth in Birmingham. https://t.co/S3ZWojAxsb Aug 06, 2020Taylor Branch describes Nash's call to Rev. Shuttlesworth to tell him that a group from Nashville was determined to come to Birmingham. Shuttlesworth said sternly: “Young lady, do you know that the Freedom Riders were almost killed here?”

“Yes. That’s exactly why the ride must not be stopped. If they stop us with violence, the movement is dead. We’re coming. We just want to know if you can meet us.” #ThankYouDianeNash #RestoreTheVRA #VRA55 #Vanguard #BlackSuffragists 


Daily Suffragist




-2- Daily Suffragist on Twitter- -Just one of many moments of Diane Nash’s fearless leadership- this fr the Freedom Rides- After buses were attacked in Birmingham -amp- Anniston- CORE leader James Farmer was ready to call off what was sta.png


Daily Suffragist, “Diane Nash,” Daily Suffragist, accessed September 9, 2024, https://dailysuffragist.omeka.net/items/show/475.

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