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When your origin story is on the #WrongSideOfHistory, it tends to get whitewashed.  Such is the case with the @CooperHewitt, a marvelous museum to…

What does this guy have to do with this woman? Hint: dynastic politics. Charles S. Whitman was elected Governor of New York in 1914.  By that time he…

Look who's wearing a white suit!!!!

Catholics from Atlantic coast states can provide political stability with inclusive, calm, wise leadership. I’m talking about Margaret Brent.…

I try to imagine what it felt like to have no vote. Not an insignificant vote, not a challenged vote, not a gerrymandered vote. No vote. To imagine…

These women are being arrested for poll watching while female. It’s New York City, September 1910, the Democratic primary. Before the day is over six…

We don’t have an affirmative right to vote under the Constitution. There is no explicit promise that citizen = voter. But from 1868-1872, after the…

One of these sculptures was made by a man, one by a woman. You can guess, right? (Representation of power thread.) Luciano Garbati says his “Medusa…

I am decidedly opposed to male suffrage and the following are some of my reasons. First: A man, for possibly an hour each year in order to cast his…

I can’t stop thinking about this girl. Her gorgeous smile, her presence in front of the camera. The photo was taken sometime in the 1860s.…

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