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  • Tags: 1894

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin was an incredible organizer of women. In 1879 she started the Boston Kansas Relief Assoc. to raise money to support Exodusters - the first African-Americans to leave the South en masse. She helped Lucy Stone & Julia…

It’s easy to disagree with your mother in private. In public, less so. Especially when your mother is Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Harriot Stanton Blatch was the 6th of ElizCadyStanton’s 7 children. She grew up to become an accomplished suffragist and…

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IHO @housingworks @brakingaidsride, today's @DailySuffragist celebrates the liberating force of cycling! This is more for bicycle buffs than suffrage enthusiasts. But it's worth watching for the story of Annie Londonderry alone. #Suffrage100…

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