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The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy is the oldest participatory democracy on earth, and a matriarchy. Their model of women voting & leading…
Devoting all week to working women. Stories fr labor historian Barbara Mayer Wertheimer's 1976 book. "She always believed that it was women who 'will…
"One group of women, from the start of their life in America, worked outside their homes on a full-time basis: slave women." In 1619 a woman named…
Anna Zenger printed the NY Weekly Journal while her husband JohnPeter was jailed for libel in 1734. He was in for 9 months b/c he couldn't pay bail;…
Mary Ann Shadd Cary edited The Freeman in Canada. She moved there in 1850s to protest Fugitive Slave Act. Post-Civil War she returned & entered Howard…
Women got the chance to learn typesetting when owners needed scabs. Augusta Lewis realized we'd do better unionized, and in 1868 she created Women's…
FFwd to 1913: Post-Triangle Shirtwaist fire, safety laws finally pass. 1 bans women from night shifts➡️female printers, proofers @nytimes & other…
Women could vote in Wyoming from 1869, when it was not yet a state. Notably, Wyoming women who joined the voting rolls briefly served on juries. When…
Click through! Don't miss this terrific collaboration b/t @KCLemay + @marthasjones_. It's a glimpse of #suffrage star Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, of…
Nancy Lenox & Sarah Parker Remond were mother/daughter free Black women & leading abolitionists. Sarah 👇 traveled & lectured on…