Browse Items (402 total)

Initially popular as a curiosity, Anna Dickinson gradually established a reputation as a political thinker whose endorsement was in demand. She stumped for Republicans across four states during the Civil War, the first woman ever paid to campaign.…

Day 1 was for women only. Lucretia Mott ran the meeting; ElizCadyStanton presented the Declaration for discussion & amendment. On the 2d day she presented it to the mixed crowd, Mott’s husband James in the chair. (The organizers had hesitated to…

Must be a busy day for my friends @SuffrageBdays! Both Frederick Douglass & Anna Howard Shaw were born #OTD. #DouglassDay celebrations this year are devoted to Anna Julia Cooper, feminist and suffragist - more on her in months ahead! See @CCP_org…

A sad story... Sarah Ingersoll Cooper made her mark on California as a leader of the 1896 suffrage referendum - a painful defeat. She had already influenced San Francisco by establishing free kindergartens & nursery schools for poor children, a…

Sexism in the abolitionist movement planted one of the seeds for Seneca Falls. In 1840 the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London refused to seat Lucretia Mott, an official US delegate. Notably, the Americans stood up for her. (1/3) #SenecaFalls…

Anti-Blackness shaped the suffrage movement from very early on. Over and over, white women appealed to racism to argue for the vote: how awful it is, they said, that black men can vote and white women cannot. But it didn't start out that way. Thread.…

First Day of Pickets Jan 10 1917.jpg
The day before suffragists started picketing the White House, they were there as invited guests. Access thread. One of the striking things about the decade before ratification is how much access suffragists had to Pres. Wilson - not only the mannerly…

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Addie Hunton was no naïf, but the shameless racism she saw in her war service shocked her. She spent 1918-19 as one of a handful of African American women deployed by the YMCA to serve 150,000 Black troops in France. WWI thread. Addie Hunton and…

Later this fall I’ll tell the story of Addie Hunton confronting Alice Paul in 1921, asking Alice to invest in winning the vote for Black women too. +How Addie spent the 1920s: traveling the south, solo, for @NAACP. For now tho, Addie Hunton’s…

Years before W.E.B.DuBois devoted a special issue of The Crisis to women’s suffrage, Adella Hunt Logan published a comprehensive argument for the vote in The Colored American, the most widely read African-American publication of the day. 🧵…
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