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On her birthday, celebrate Matilda Joslyn Gage. For video, @SWagner711 points us to this short piece: + sophisticated 10 min. documentary by 8th…
In suffrage summaries, the 1890 merger of the National & American Woman Suffrage Assoc. is described in neutral or positive terms. It’s an…
Why did the American Woman Suffrage Association merge with its longtime rival, the National Woman Suffrage Association? They had distinct strategies…
While Alice Paul was in London’s Holloway Prison with a feeding tube forced down her nose, Emmeline Pankhurst traveled to the US to raise funds and…
Annual conventions belong in the nation’s capital--at least as far as the National Woman Suffrage Assoc was concerned. But the American WSA had always…
Most law schools accepted female students grudgingly, but @WashULaw in St. Louis sought them out. In 1868 the school went looking for white women to…
Renounce: To give up, to resign, to surrender; esp. to give up in a complete and formal manner. Laura Clay ran the Kentucky Woman Suffrage Assoc. from…
Seneca Falls wasn’t really a thing until 25 years after it happened. The suffrage movement had split, and Susan B Anthony & ElizCadyStanton sought…
Rose Schneiderman and Leonora O’Reilly were featured speakers at NAWSA conventions as early as 1907. The leaders of the suffrage mainstream warmed to…
In writing about what it means to “look like a mom,” @VVFriedman reported that the yellow t-shirts Portland moms wear are intended to evoke sunshine,…