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Ursula Wolfe-Rocca live tweets @marthasjones_! A nice synopsis of what sounds like a fantastic session on citizenship, sovereignty, and voting rights.…
Congrats to my friend Laura Wiessen, newly elected to the Gloucester, MA School Committee. In 1879, Mass. allowed women to vote for the 1st time, just…
All the women are white, all the Blacks are men, but some of us are brave. The title of the landmark Black feminist anthology is the essence of…
It's getting late in NYC, so for today's post I will simply point to one of the most satisfying new resources of this centennial year. 👇The…
Women could vote in Wyoming from 1869, when it was not yet a state. Notably, Wyoming women who joined the voting rolls briefly served on juries. When…
Work. Throughout the 19th century, even suffragists saw paid work as something poor women _had_ to do, not something women would _want_ to do. Most of…
Dr @marthasjones_ says we shouldn't talk about suffrage, we should talk about voting rights. There's no before and after, just an ongoing struggle. In…
Women got the chance to learn typesetting when owners needed scabs. Augusta Lewis realized we'd do better unionized, and in 1868 she created Women's…
I loved this observation of what it was like to be Nancy Cott and her peers in the '70s. I wanted to know who wrote the only non-patronizing blurb on…
Building mass appeal almost always means making your ideas less threatening. Once persuaded, new adherents may want the cause to reflect their own…